Preamble True to our company philosophy “Organics with love“, we are aiming every day to do our best for a fairer and more livable world. Our healthy, environmentally und social compatibly manufactured products are the foundation. This also includes the interaction with all people along the creation chain of our products as well as a responsible economic behavior. Rapunzel attempts to create a best possible frame for a fair interpersonal behavior - at Rapunzel headquarters but also with respect to all our business partners and competitors. Important prerequisites for this are laws and regulations, but also our own conviction for fair cooperation and relationships. We comply with applicable laws, the core labor standards of the International Labour Organization, the reference standards for occupational health and safety and the human rights due diligence as minimum requirements. This applies with regard to all staff irrelevant of their position or the employment relationship but also to our global suppliers. We already implement the basic principles of this code of conduct in our daily interactions. With this written form, we express how important these rules are for us. When we refer to the employees of Rapunzel Naturkost GmbH, we use the term “we”. To improve legibility, references to persons are not gender-specifi c in the following. All used expressions such as “business partner”, “suppliers” etc. are to be read as gender-neutral and refer equitably to all persons. The contents of this code of conduct specify our daily interactions. The code of conduct exceeds beyond already existing agreements and principles and puts the overarching philosophy into practice. Other guidelines at Rapunzel are for instance our company goals, the vision and the company philosophy, the management manual, our house rules, the HAND IN HAND criteria, the supplier code of conduct and selected external social and fair-trade standards. Rapunzel‘s code of conduct is available in the following languages: German, English, Turkish and Russian. 2