15 min
20 min
Preheat the oven to 175 °C (circulating air). Wash the apples, cut off about 1 cm at the top and core with a spoon and slightly hollow out.
In a bowl mix all the dry ingredients and combine with the coconut blossom syrup. Cover the baking tray with baking paper, place the apples on the tray and stuff them.
Pour 1 tbs apple juice over each apple, and let some juice run over the sides. Bake the apples in the oven for about 20 minutes. Finish with some coconut blossom syrup and serve hot. Can also be served with ice cream.
- 4 apples
- 50 g Rapunzel walnut pieces, chopped
- 30 g Rapunzel raisins
- 30 g Rapunzel coconut grated
- 2 tsp Rapunzel candied lemon peel without sugar, diced
- 2 tsp Rapunzel candied orange peel without sugar, diced
- 4 Rapunzel dates without pit Deglet Nour, chopped
- 60 g Rapunzel honey marzipan, cut in small cubes
or vegan marzipan - 1 tbs Rapunzel coconut palm sugar
- ½ tsp Rapunzel bourbon vanilla powder
- 2 tbs Rapunzel coconut palm syrup
- 4 tbs apple juice
- to dribble Rapunzel coconut sugar