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#6 Fair value

We know
where it comes from.

Rapunzel sources raw materials from all over the world for its wide product range. We import these raw materials almost exclusively directly from the country of origin and do not buy on spot markets or on commodity exchange platforms.

"Knowing where it comes from" is therefore a reality for us. This allows us to keep an eye on the entire supply chain and at the same time we can ensure our high quality standards for our organic raw materials and products.
Our purchasing team and the Strategic Raw Materials Assurance department are responsible for this direct cooperation. The employees know the suppliers personally and are in constant exchange with them, through on-site visits or when the suppliers visit our headquarters in Legau - because long-term cooperation needs and creates mutual trust and transparency.
We have been working with numerous partners and suppliers for many years. Our HAND IN HAND partner El Ceibo from Bolivia, for example, has been supplying fair trade organic cocoa since 1987. At the time, we used the cocoa for the production of the world's first organic chocolate. And the cooperative Gino Girolomoni from the Marche region in Italy has been producing the original Italian pasta for us since 1984.

Fair trade and organic farming are central for Rapunzel

Foreign Distributors

We distribute our products around the world - our local partners are happy to help you.

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